On this page you can find info about joining our OFP server.
We run the Operation flashpoint Goty server with the 1.96 patch.
Also you need to run our mods to get on our server.
What is needed is :
1: GOTY disks.
2: Patch 1.96
3: Addons that can be found here.
The download contains the following modfolders:
@[lol] / @LOLextras / @LOLExtras2 / @LOLIslands / @ww4mod25
4: OFPMonitor or OFPWatch
For more info search on YouTube for usage of these programs.
If you want to run it the old way this is the targetline for in the properties of your OFP Resistance .exe
"C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE" -mod=@[lol];@LOLextras;@LOLExtras2;@LOLIslands;@ww4mod25
5: You can find us on the following IP and port:
[LOL] Clowns of War 1.96:
( or lolclan.servegame.com:2322 )
[LOL] Clowns of War 1.99:
( or lolclan.servegame.com:2332 )
(Be aware that the port number is different between servers)